Point Cloud Information

Unicorn is capable of compressing the geometry and attribute information, either separately or jointly, of an input point cloud.

Point Cloud Status

Unicorn flexibly supports the static and dynamic coding of point clouds.

Point Cloud Types

Unicorn consistently demonstrates the leading performance for diverse input sources, including solid object point clouds, scant LiDAR, an independent static frame and dynamic sample with serial frames, etc., under a unified framework.

Contributions of our Unicorn


Comprehensive coding metric

Unicorn is the very first, versatile, learning-based solution to support the compression of geometry and attribute information of any given point cloud (e.g., static or dynamic, dense or sparse, object or scene) in both lossless and lossy modes.

Better performance

Unicorn provides significant performance gains to existing standards. As for geometry coding, it outperforms GPCC and V-PCC with about 90% and 75% bitrate reduction at the same geometry distortion for solid object samples and >35% BD-Rate gains for dynamically acquired LiDAR sequences. Compared with existing learning-based solutions, Unicorn also improves the compression efficiency noticeably.

Low computation complexity

Unicorn is a low-complexity approach. Its prototyping implementation exhibits comparable runtime measures to G-PCC’s geometry codec.


Some results of our method


Codes and papers

These are links to our papers and codes, please cite us when using them.

Our Team

Team members contributed to Unicorn.

Ma Zhan

Professor at Nanjing University.

Email: mazhan@nju.edu.cn

Ding Dandan

Associate Professor at Hangzhou Normal University.

Email: DandanDing@hznu.edu.cn

Chen Tong

Associate Researcher at Nanjing University.

Email: chentong@nju.edu.cn

Wang Jianqiang

Ph.D. Candidate at Nanjing University.

Email: wangjq@smail.nju.edu.cn

Xue Ruixiang

Ph.D. Candidate at Nanjing University.

Email: xrxee@smail.nju.edu.cn

Li Jiaxin

Ph.D. Candidate at Nanjing University.

Email: lijiaxin@smail.nju.edu.cn